Sunday 10 July 2011

Why a 3G iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) Touch Would Rock the World - Gotta Be Mobile And MS Paint - Apple iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download)

Even if based completely on "sources" early a Dutch blog, the whispers with the intention of Apple could maybe be preparing to launch a 3G-competent iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) touch this Fall are value listening to. If right, this could maybe have the the makings to shift the smartphone landscape and pave the road pro the figures-only offerings with the intention of loads of customers have been waiting pro.

The Ploy

As it stands, the wireless carriers are running the trade show. While struggle among them could protect overall prices early inane higher than they are, they have agreed in the lead certain pricing structures with the intention of don't benefit customers – and no longer get on to any sense. Chief among these are a) copy messaging plans, and b) the obstruction to offer figures-only plans.

Maybe in the early income of SMS – when having figures capabilities on a phone was a novelty – charging extra pro texting made sense. Maybe. Now it is absurd. On a outline with the intention of by now has a accent plot and a figures plot, tacking on another $ 15/month pro unlimited texting (which, in the peak use scenarios, might enlarge up to a few MBs of figures) is the ripoff of the century.

The problem is – your mean consumer doesn't flush admit he's being paid hosed. With all, with the intention of's how he's everlastingly been exciting, so "I guess with the intention of's solely how it is." The carriers supply on this mentality like vultures on carrion.

The Figures-Only Holy Grail

A 3G iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) touch would give people the opportunity to have the largest thing with the intention of carriers have been preservation – a narrow-emancipated figures-only plot on a distinguished-aim phone. This would be monumental.

iPhone Lite

If Apple keeps the same formula with the intention of they've been by, and keeps the iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) touch a notch or two behind the contemporary iPhone, it would likely be nearly an iPhone 5. The 4th gen. iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) touch has numerous foremost differences early the iPhone 4:

  • an following-rank camera
  • a to some extent cheaper spectacle with of poorer quality viewing angles (even if it keeps the stellar "Retina" pledge)
  • no GPS capabilities
  • no earpiece above the screen
  • the microphone is positioned farther in trade

A 3G touch with persons handicaps would serve as the low-deprivation "iPhone lite" with the intention of has been believed. It would not only offer a low-deprivation road to get on to an (nearly) iPhone, keep pro it would be narrow-emancipated, and the monthly costs would be affordable pro nearly anyone.


Apple has by now full a swing at the carriers by introducing iMessage in the imminent iOS 5. iMessages are emancipated to additional users on iOS, and only placement to non-iOS acquaintances count as fixed copy placement. This iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) touch would have iMessage built in. Users can easily copy all of their buddies on iOS by their figures plot. Apps like Google Accent, Textfree, or any one of a zillion others could maybe soubriquet the texts to people on additional platforms.


Skype's business would boom (and Microsoft would peek brilliant pro export them), as people would turn to the most ordinary VoIP source pro their calls. Additional services like Fring, Line2, and countless SIP clients would be options as well.

Cheap Bills

If figures plans were priced akin to persons on the iPad, monthly wireless bills would sink like the Colossal. This chart (worked up numerous months past by AllThingsD) compares AT&T's and Verizon's iPad figures plans:

If you can live with 3GB or a cut-rate amount of of figures for every month, you would be paying no more than $ 35 (before fees) pro your 3G iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) touch. With the intention of's $ 100 a cut-rate amount of than what some people pay pro iPhone plans with accent/figures/SMS. If you aspire an extra moderate and would like 5GB, you're still saving exalted at $ 50/mo.

Upgraded iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) touch?

Of course, if Apple really wanted to go pro the carriers' jugulars, they'd get on to this the time with the intention of the iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) touch catches up with the iPhone. We're discussion the same camera, same screen, GPS, earpiece, and proper microphone. It would in effect be a figures-only iPhone. Sorry to say, there are loads of factors small in the visage of with the intention of. The first among persons obstacles is deprivation. If Apple churns out an iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) touch with the intention of's the equal to the iPhone, how are they inane to sell it pro numerou s hundred dollars a cut-rate amount of than they sell an unlocked iPhone 4? The answer is austere: they're not.

Will it happen?

What would suffice would be an iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) touch with the intention of keeps the same qualities as before generations, only it would call for two equipment: an earpiece and a microphone in solely so the same seats as they are on the iPhone. Users can live with a of poorer quality camera, no GPS, and shoddy viewing angles – if everything else is there. At $ 300-400 with no narrow, it would be the best buy in wireless.

A 3G-competent iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) touch would finally deposit some potential in trade in consumers' hands. It would grant a low-deprivation iPhone alternative, and – I don’t know more significantly – it would help educate more customers with the intention of figures is all you call for. More people will question why they're go allocated pro accent minutes, copy messaging and figures. And when the consumers realize with the intention of, they will plea it, and carriers will be mandatory to oblige. It will happen at some point, and Apple is one of the few companies with the intention of can help flash with the intention of chat.

… then the only problem would be preventing the carriers early doubling the deprivation of persons figures-only plans.

Tags: 3G, 3G figures, 5G, 5th age group, Apple, AT&T, Figures, figures-only, iMessage, ipad, iPhone 5, iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) Touch, iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download) touch 5, Skype, verizon

Category: Editorials, Mobile

Ahh the irony! My first attempt to paint something realistic in MS Paint (in fact my first attempt to paint ANYTHING in ms paint) a black 5.5g iPod (ipod touch 4.0 firmware download). Genuine time 40 minutes sped up to 6 minutes(wretched pro the break in linking.. my CD-ROM became full and i had to clear it up)

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